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Participate in the "Vie(s) d'étudiant.e.s" survey and try to win a gift card

Actualité officielle UBFC



Edit 11/24/2022: the survey is now closed.

You are a student or a PhD student? Get your voice heard by participating in the "Vie(s) d'étudiant(e)s" survey! Housing, mobility, food, employment, leisure activities... tell us about your lifestyle, your studies, your needs and your desires. This way,  we can build a student life that suits you.

At the end of the survey, you will be able to participate in a draw for a chance to win a gift card worth between 80 and 150 euros.

I take the survey

Click on "english version" at the top of the main page.

To access the rules of the draw, click on the following link:


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