The University Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will be closed from July 21 (evening) to August 15 included.
The UBFC Alumni team wishes you a nice summer! Holiday mode activated from July 13!
The network's website remains of course accessible if you want to read news articles, to see the next events, or to update you profile and your CV.
The team will be back in mid-August to take care of the network and discuss with you.
Enjoy your summer holidays!
Photo credit : Ris & Ry – Unsplash
UBFC summer break
2023-07-13 11:30:00
2023-07-13 11:38:04
2023-07-12 16:52:11
Nourhane BOUZNIF
The University Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will be closed from July 21 (evening) to August 15 included.The UBFC Alumni team wishes you a nice summer! Holiday mode activated from July 13!The network's website remains of course accessible if you want to read news articles, to see the next events, or to update you profile and your CV.The team will be back in mid-August to take care of the network and discuss with you.Enjoy your summer holidays!*** Photo credit : Ris & Ry – Unsplash
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