Young researchers seminar of the French National Platform for End-of-Life Research

The registration deadline has expired.

Discover the work of young researchers on issues related to death, end-of-life and palliative care across all disciplines. This seminar provides young researchers with the opportunity to encounter each other, to share their experiences, to discuss about their methods and disciplins.

Exceptionally, due to the crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, this event will take place online. It’s free of charge, and open to everybody upon registration.



Palliative care in EHPAD and telemedicine: what do mobile teams think?

  • 10am -  Clément CORMI
    Institut Charles Delaunay (ICD) - Université de Technologie de Troyes
    Pôle Territorial Santé Publique et Performance des Hôpitaux Champagne Sud

Mourning in children: accompanying them and preventing psychopathological disorders during adolescence

  • 10:30 am -  Marthe DUCOS
    Laboratoire de psychopathologie et neuropsychologie EA 2027 - Université Paris 8

Ecological funerals. Anthropological analysis of a new relationship to death, to the body and to the environment

  • 11am - Manon MONCOQ
    Laboratoire Cités, Territoires, environnement et sociétés (CiTERES) UMR 7324 CNRS – Université de Tours

Cognitive-emotional work and life retrospective in palliative care

  • 11:30 am - Constance GARROUTEIGT
    LabPsy EA 4139 - Université de Bordeaux

Terminal lucidity : What are the implications for families and caregivers of an exceptional end-of-life experience?

  • 2pm - Maryne MUTIS
    Laboratoire Interpsy EA4432 - Université de Lorraine
    Laboratoire Subjectivité, lien social et modernité (SuLiSoM) UR 3071 - Université de Strasbourg

Selecting patients at the entrance to palliative care units: how does our society distribute hospitality at the end of life?

  • 2:30 p.m. - Roger THAY
    Laboratoire Sciences, philosophie, histoire (SPHERE) UMR 7219 CNRS – Université de Paris

Social representations, social practices and emotional experience: Psychosocial enalysis of sedation in palliative care settings

  • 3pm - Margaux VIEILLE
    Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale (LPS) EA849 – Aix-Marseille université


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Released on: École doctorale SPIM (Sciences pour l'ingénieur et microtechniques), École doctorale DGEP (Droit, gestion, économie et politique), École doctorale CP (Carnot-Pasteur), École doctorale LECLA (Lettres, ...
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