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New on the network: 100% digital internship agreements

Information générale



The Alumni platform has a new tool: an "Internship Agreements" space to manage internship agreements online, from A to Z.

You are a Master student registered at UBFC and you have an internship planned? From now on you will no longer need to go through a paper agreement! You will be able to generate a digital internship agreement from your Alumni account and submit it to your tutors for signature, online, via the platform.

How to access the internship agreement module?

To use this tool, you must be a member of the UBFC Alumni network. If you don't have an account yet, find out how to register thanks to the video tutorial available on this link.

Log in to your account, go to the menu on the left, move the cursor over the picto "My management centers", then click on "Internship agreement". Then take a look at the tutorial below this article to learn how to produce an agreement.


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